Academic Programs

At LAHSA, we want our students to take an interdisciplinary approach to their studies. That means they should understand the math that goes into the creation of set pieces, the history of the settings and the context of the pieces they work with, and the art that is reflected in their writing. We see Linked Learning as a way to our pathway into our academic coursework. Each grade level’s Linked Learning projects (2 per year) take those units one step further. Students utilize their skills obtained in Arts, Media, Entertainment, and combine them with STEM in order to produce relevant products that address real world problems for authentic audiences.
LAHSA is reevaluated every 5-6 years in the areas of:
Rigorous Academics
Strong Student Support
Career Technical Education
Work-Based Learning
The school must score at the highest levels of the evaluation in order to be Gold-Certified.

Linked Learning and CTE Mission
The mission of LAUSD’s Career Technical Education and Linked Learning Program is to:
Design and implement programs of study with high-quality CTE curriculum and industry-recognized certifications
Equip students with the necessary technical and academic competencies to thrive in both post-secondary education and their chosen careers
Incorporate equivalent dual enrollment CTE courses during the school day that lead to a certificate or degree
Engage students in the world of work through work-based learning opportunities, including career exploration, financial literacy, job shadows, work readiness, mentorships, and internships
Contextualize learning through industry-relevant interdisciplinary project-based units
Embed career technical student leadership development into pathway programs
Spark students’ interests in an array of enriching career technical education experiences that prepare them for a future in a diverse global society
Narrative summary of findings: LAHSA is a strong Linked Learning pathway. We observed students engaged in rigorous academic inquiry in real world situations. Several students and parents spoke about their close relationships with teachers and each other, and the term family was used frequently. The CTE program of study is particularly strong, with all students experiencing both acting and design classes as freshmen, and then choosing which to pursue for 10-12 grades. The targeted and effective use of industry partners is exceptional, and every person in the industry focus group spoke of the reciprocal nature of those relationships. They felt that they benefitted from the interaction with students and teachers at least as much as the students benefitted. The presence of a site-based work based learning coordinator has been key to working effectively with multiple industry professionals to provide students with experiences for field trips, job shadows, internships, and more. The faculty is to be commended for the positive school climate they have created, in which student expectations are high and student supports are plentiful.